Give to Let Love R.I.S.E. Foundation

Thank you for your contribution. Your (tax-deductible) donation will directly support Let Love RISE programs and services as well as maintain and improve the LLR network! Ultimately, your contributions will empower those who are finding their purpose through serving local communities and making a sustaining change for the better around the world.


Cash App: $LLoverise 

We are trailblazers for exceptional volunteer mobilization and lasting community organization partnerships


Jared Sorber

Associate Pastor
Bridgeway Community Church

"It has been our pleasure to support withLove as they impact this world for Jesus using the gifts God has given. The withLove team are faithful servants who steward what God’s gives them to carry out effective ministry. I have always appreciated their servants hearts and desire to create meaningful connections as they demonstrate the love of God in tangible ways."

Virginia C.

Baltimore Metropolitan Resident

"God has given us all talents for his purpose and his work on earth. withLove has and is using their musical talents to connect people, share the gospel, and support organizations showing compassion for children and adults in need. Doing it all in the spirit of love. There is no greater affection than love."

Curtis Eaddy II

West Baltimore Street Revitalization
Business Relationship Manager

"withLove has been amazing in Southwest Baltimore, providing our communities with outreach and events to unify residents and raise the awareness of consciousness and divinity! It's been a pleasure to witness the band in action and to participate in the giveaways, paint and poetry sessions over the years."